Design office of
Łukasz Tyrała


The log is my stream of thoughts, learnings, and explorations in no particular structure or order. Log entries are seeds to build upon, inspire, and keep for future connections or interesting links. You might find something for yourself.

Year 2022 Entries

Generalists & Specialists

Note At some point at many growing companies, there is a shift in hiring from generalist to specialist roles. Generalists start to be pushed into specialist roles, or the hiring efforts move toward specialist job postings. Ultimately, specialisation pushing out generalist roles can seem inevitable but is the wrong trajectory.


Everyone who claims they have a simple solution to a complex problem lies. To spot the lie, you need to know if a described problem is simple or complex. Understanding if a problem is complex is not that easy. We usually try to determine that by the description of a problem itself. The approach is misleading, though. The problem’s type depends on the context and agency of a person (or organisation) that wants to solve the problem.


Simple problem statements make for great objectives and goals but are often disregarded, though, as solution-based assumptions (and goals) are more appealing to people.


Seven tips how to exercise brain to prevent cognitive decline. Simple, maybe obvious, but supported by research and neuroscientist Dr. Richard Restak's observations from his book The Complete Guide to Memory.


Simple problem statements make for great objectives and goals. They are often disregarded, though, as solution-based assumptions (and goals) are more appealing to people.


Why following interaction and interface patterns of competitors might not be a good idea for apps and software that are tools?

Year 2021 Entries


[…] sometimes, old scientific beliefs persist, and are even vigorously defended, long after we have sufficient evidence to abandon them. As a neuroscientist, I see scientific myths about the brain repeated regularly in the media and corners of academic research. Three of them, in particular, stand out for correction. […] “That Is Not How Your Brain Works” by Lisa Feldman Barrett is about three brain myths.


Huh moments get your attention, close examination gives us understanding.


Good visualisation is not a pretty component but a pretty information. When designing a visualisation, we must focus on what we want people to see, not the component's overall appeal.


Default and empty are not the same states. A default state is a choice made for users. People should be aware of that.


A job of a manager is to listen first. Listen first is about genuine interest, rumbling with vulnerability, time to listen, and empowerment to others.


Voice interfaces are not that easy (for people) to follow. VUIs can require put more cognitive load on people than well designed GUIs.


A variable object screen are where navigation can break. A navigation menu cannot hold all of the digital product screens. Knowing funnel flows, overlaid contents, and variable objects location within information architecture helps break things at the right spot.


Two sequences of digital products (part 2, dimensions and friction). People must own their work to positively impact the creation and reasoning sequence and all dimensions of product delivery.


Two sequences of digital products (part 1, creation and reasoning sequences). Going from nothing to something is how we create. To create good things, we need to understand what is the something that we will be doing.


Triune brain is oversimplification that works for oversimplified cases. Neocortex handles advanced cognition. Limbic brain controls social and nurturing behaviours, mutual reciprocity, and the reptilian brain refers to those brain structures related to territoriality, ritual behaviour and other reptile behaviours.


When you find a needle in a haystack, there might be more. Qualitative insights are easily discarded with an argument: it is only one example. Think about as needles in a haystack.


Assessment has a massive impact on learning. Assessment, learning triangle and constructive alignment is often overlooked, but fundamental concepts for all educators.


Individual KRs do not work. Personal KRs do. It is hard to implement OKRs straight away, especially on all levels of an organisation, but it is crucial for work culture do it right.


How to sorry for real? Sorry episode of The Allusionist is about more than just a word used to apologise, but about the act of doing so as well.


Design principles are an enforcement tool. How design teams work is driven by a few factors. Company documents are important navigation points for designers making decisions on how to do their work.


Forcing people to change their minds never works. A better strategy is to sincerely understand them, and push them toward exploration of their beliefs.


Consistency is not a Holy Grail of design. Consistency is a characteristic of a UI that needs balance. Too much of it, and too little are both terrible.


Headless systems are here, and they have a significant impact on the design.

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