Design office of
Łukasz Tyrała

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Assessment has a massive impact on learning. Assessment, learning triangle and constructive alignment is often overlooked, but fundamental concepts for all educators.

Some notes on UCLA course about digital education and assessment that I have participated in at the beginning of 2020

Assessment, learning triangle and constructive alignment is often overlooked, but fundamental concepts for all educators.

It took me almost a decade of educating students of post-graduate UX programs to finally understand the impact of assessment on learning, students' engagement and motivation.

Students can, with difficulty, escape from the effects of poor teaching, they cannot escape the effects of poor assessments. — Boud 1995

Assessment should be designed and not just inherited. It should support students in improving their skills and knowledge. And it should happen often.

Formative assessment is crucial in giving students feedback and preparing them for final evaluations.

Whilst assessment is one of the last things that university teachers consider when planning and developing modules and programmes, it is often the first things that students think about — Open University

Learning and skills (verbs):

  1. Knowledge → name, list define
  2. Comprehension → discuss, describe, explain
  3. Application → interpret, apply, illustrate
  4. Analysis → compare, debate, contrast
  5. Synthesis → propose, construct, design
  6. Evaluation → judge, critique, asses

Constructive alignment (ILOs, TLAs, ATs) is crucial in designing effective syllabus.

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